b'Artificial SweetenersWhile there is no known harm associated with artificial sweeteners, please limit intake amounts of saccharin, aspartame and Splenda. Focus on healthy drinks like water and milk, and avoid diet drinks with no nutritional value.FishFish is a healthy, high-protein, low-fat food that can be a part of a balanced diet for you and your family. But some fish have levels of mercury that may be harmful to your babys developing brain. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have young children, follow these guidelines when eating fish: Do not eat any: kajiki (pacific blue marlin), shark, or swordfish.FOOD SAFETYGroup ALimit eating these fish to no more than once every two weeks: ahi (bigeye / tombo / Raw or Undercooked Foods yellowfin tuna), ono (wahoo) or opah (moonfish).There are illnesses transmitted through undercooked Group BLimit eating these fish to no more than or raw foods that can cause a miscarriage or healthonce a week: ahu (skipjack tuna), chunk light problems for your baby. Ensure your meat, poultry andcanned tuna, cod (butterfish), grouper, halibut, fish are thoroughly cooked. Try vegetarian sushi as anmahi-mahi (dolphin fish), nairagi (striped marlin), alternative to raw fish or seafood. Use your microwaveorange roughy, pollock snapper, sardines and to reheat your deli meats and hot dogs to steaming.tilapia.Canned or off-the-shelf pats and meat spreads are okay. Please avoid any of the previously mentionedMercury builds up in the body. If you eat fish from items that have not been cooked to the properGroup A, wait two weeks before eating any more fish temperature, specifically, raw eggs and raw shellfish. from Group A or B.Cheese and DairyRaw and unpasteurized dairy products can cause food-borne illnesses. You can ingest pasteurized milk and yogurt, well-cooked eggs and hard cheeses. Avoid raw milk and dairy, including cheese and yogurt. Avoid any cheese not clearly marked as pasteurized. Avoid uncooked food that may contain raw eggs, such as salad dressing and protein shakes.Caffeine and Herbal TeaCaffeine can affect fetal heart rate and respiration, and certain herbs can cause reactions. Youmay consume up to 300 mg of caffeine a day and flavored decaffeinated teas in filter bags, including ginger, peppermint and citrus. Please avoid teas that contain goldenseal, cohosh, ephedra, dong quai, feverfew, juniper, pennyroyal, St. Johns Wort, rosemary or thuja.'