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Limited Visitors Allowed at QNHCH

Visiting a patient

QNHCH inpatients are allowed one screened adult visitor with proof of vaccination per day.  Visiting hours for inpatients are 11 am – 6 pm, seven days a week.

Visitors must be over 18 years of age and are required to have had their final dose of an FDA-EUA COVID-19 vaccination, providing proof with a vaccination card or an electronic copy.  Visitors are required to wear a surgical mask over their nose and mouth at all times and no eating or drinking is allowed.   Out-of-state and international visitors must also present proof of a negative COVID-19 test.

Limited exceptions to the vaccination requirement may be made in certain situations such as pediatric or maternity patients and end-of-life care; additional screening will be required.  Visitors will continue to not be allowed for COVID, infusion, or rehabilitation/physical therapy patients.

“We recognize the importance of family in the healing process and believe we can safely support a more patient-centered care environment by allowing a vaccinated visitor who has also undergone our screening process,” said QNHCH President Cindy Kamikawa.

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